"Only superheroes can afford living color." A. Moore
level 1. >>> Concept & image>>>
Who is Mister Oiso? Find in the slideshow below instructional video source images that were used in the series of posters featuring Mister Oiso, super mascot character of the workshop.
NB. To identify the 5 elements that have enabled its membership but also consider the changes that occur in the backdrop of posters: You will find clues to solve this puzzle graphic.
Take the personality test: What superhero are you? postponing your answers only on plain paper and then read the text thus formed, and draw ...
level 2. >>> Tool>>>
Watch carefully tutorial James vs. Spiderman Monoprix to introduce you to the image editing, computer-aided drawing and composition.
Scan your drawings and open them in the software Photofiltre .
With the mouse, go to File to create a new document (ctrl N): A dialog box opens, select: A3, 300 pp resolution, transparent background, click OK and save as NOMprenom_ch1 . pfi (no accents or spaces).
Copy / paste the scan 'your drawings in this new document.
Save (Ctrl S): You are ready to work!
From the level 2 of the first chapter you'll learn how to manage multiple layers, to wield the magic wand tools, paint, aerosol, lassos and text ... to use the resize the layer concervant the homotétie (warning: you have to hold the arrow "up" key when you do a resize to not distort your original image), converting a text image for, if necessary, resize and apply effects.
Search images on the Internet that show the universe and super powers of your character by typing in the search bar keywords referents and the words of your responses to personality test to widen your search further. Drag and drop, build up a picture folder on your desktop to store your selection.
typing the name of your great character by using the text tool T and by choosing a typeface whose characters we will understand almost intuitively his super powers. (View slideshow # # TYPOGRAPHY below on the right frame of the blog)
Edit, resize, cut, copy, paste, delete, assemble your elements to compose your show ...
My advice: Do to save your work in progress (Ctrl S) ... and use the keyboard shortcuts: ctrl A to select all, Ctrl X to cut, ctrl C to copy, ctrl V to paste, and ctrl-z to go back to your last change.
level 3. >>> Editing & publishing>>>
Prepare your files for printing a A3 portrait poster (. jpeg, CMYK, 300 pp) and for publishing on the Internet (. jpeg, RGB, 600 pixels wide).