Well, I listened The Suburbs, and I fell in love for the second time in my life.
I live almost word for word We Used to wait , and I also Ready to Start , but it's probably because it is the first I've found, or rather that 'I was spun, I'm pretty lazy at looking for leaks etc.. The lyrics are just fabulous (see'' You Say We Can Still Be Friends, If I was scared, i would, and if I was bored, you know i would, and if I was yours, but I'm not ''). You order to follow the links in question. I listen to this album
loop, my neighbors are listening loop, my roommates listen loop and even the baker downstairs from me who makes the best cinnamon rolls on earth. I feel that this album becomes the soundtrack of my new life in New York. About this life, my course is awesome - I played the gatekeepers of fashion today, I walked around with a badge All Access neck all day, not without experiencing a little self-sufficiency. My roommates are the coolest of the earth, they are tattooed, underage, have lives sentimental junk, and vegans are like the Smiths. They were only waiting for me.
I become a kind of hyperactive. It has been three weeks since I'm here. As if I had always lived, I belong to the places in town. It happened more in three weeks, only three months and I even had the right to a face to face with a rat .