After having done violence to go economy with only 3 hours sleep in the legs , having only played in the snow like a moron before, got my tickets for Paris to have been taken to compulsive buying of foreign press I'm still not happy, and I feel it's gonna be a bad day. The heavy bag Vogue, V Magazine, GQ, Harper's , I tell myself a new bag, it would be nice actually. But I have not found the shop in question, I finished in the Spring but it has not actually been more satisfying. I thank the vendors to move from being totally amorphous / voiceless / unable to locate my distress of compulsive buying. This day is really bad start, I decided to go home, work a bit, and read these magazines, which does, weigh a ton.
warm, comfortable on my couch, I'm about to watch the parade Richard Chai, and then, on Twitter, I see'' Alexander McQueen Committed Suicide ''. OK, bad day.
Just yesterday I told myself that I would speak well of incredible shoes last that we proposed (cf.Lady Gaga), the Armadillo. They range from the ugliness and the exception. Already, the Armadillo, like this, like two large insects, shells. Weird . I really wonder how we managed to walk, knowing that the heel is still 30 cm. Actually, my dream would be to have a cross section of these shoes. It is, they are super-hyper comfortable. That was my dilemma of the season.
After , McQueen is still the one who has reintroduced the hipster. Yeah, blame it on HIM if all the jeans that reveal our butt slaps, but hey, we must recognize that it was pretty thought. We must also add genuine creativity, what would that given the staging of his shows (he did not just put so many gorgeous babes / making giant's mouth, he liked the harness, dress up the dog, or force to take to the dancers), and even then, a guy who dares to sew in the lining of the costume of Prince Charles, I'm a C.. T (cunt understand) do may be a genius.
Poor Richard Chai, you got the wrong idea of your parade at the same time as the announcement of the suicide McQueen ... I decided to do you justice by talking about yourself. Then Richard Chai is a minion-then-boyfriend of Marc Jacobs (design fairly widespread in the fashion scene), who now has a chance to scroll tents at Bryant Park every Fashion Week New York.
He also makes a capsule collection for Target (one teaches mainstream U.S.), has developed several labels in the ranges of price (a bit like Marc Jacobs, with MJ, Marc By Marc and Don ' t Miss the Mark) which line''Love,''pretty cool, he defines himself as'' Glunge '', Glamour and Grunge. He was also a crony Keds, this union was born a small collection of sneakers, and Richard has also worked with Alternative Apparel.
So now, Richard Chai is one of those young U.S. designers who are worth to be known. His show is definitely under the banner of'' wearable ,''Unlike previous collections, here, there is a genuine desire to see her clothes worn in the street, and it's pretty successful. I particularly liked the overlays, the harmony of colors: the colors of winter, of course, gray, blue, but always with an added value: the beautiful gray, carbon, beautiful blue, navy satin buttons all sweet sequins, but not bling bling, khaki nice (though, god knows I hate khaki, even if it's the big trend for next season).
Well, I like Richard Chai it's a shame it has been eclipsed so, more than its collection of tunes from Marc Jacobs Perry period. Then, pointing to the end of the parade, with a plaid shirt around his waist, in the purest tradition grunge, there is no denying that class.
If you want to get an idea of the parade Chai # here
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