During my revisions, I still came across a photo # mercifacebook distressing.
Individual female, + 65kg, 1m65-, decor: nightclub, standing at a bar. Okay, so far, nothing surprising, given that the average ratio in France is 1m63/63kg.
No, what is painful is that it has the combo cursed. The combo MINI-DRESS DOWN. Um, I tell you, she does what she wants, she has the right to bear down, instead of tights. NO, her stockings were visible. I do not mention the light from below totally disgusting, inappropriate, or his face cattle. The epitome of bad taste.
This picture touched me in a sense, it made me want to act. By respect, I do not impose it. (A Polaroid of my own person holding a trophy hunting of paper is more appropriate, I think). I found a state, I do not unbosom myself on the political leanings of the latter, just, religious extremism of all kinds, very little for me.
This will be fundamental in that State, there will be a department of Style. I know, I turn into # nazidustyle, but I can not anymore. There will be a rationing system based on appearance. Example: + 65kg, 1m65-, not possible to subscribe to the''good Mini Dress & Stockings ''(but there will be plenty of other coupons available, and one for the'' burlap bag ''will be prohibited as well, I'm not anti-big for both).
another example, Brought to You By Peter (I have not put your initials, you've seen while I love that): If we exercise the profession of clowning, it has the right to the coupon'' black shirt + white tie '', otherwise it is dead. I know, this coupon would mark the end of Metropolis, a large box at Rungis, renamed the Loft, I think,''the birthplace generation Tecknonik ''as quickly as she died.
is extremely unfair as a system, but there it is, there is no justice in life, things are clear, it is useless to cherish sweet utopias (we the girl who feels sick and tired of the mainstream political thinking). To obtain a visa, it will fill a small card, like the States, but it will not be green, it's ugly. A nice plug on the card stock, pleasant to the touch, with beautiful characters in black, white and gray. Following a consultation facebook spontaneous form of a question about my weight, to which only males have responded, (I admire you), here are some questions:
- Are you planning to assassinate Marc Jacobs?
- Have you ever had in your possession any product Christian Audigier, Ed Hardy, Von Dutch or?
- you still wear the smock? (Both sexes)
- Your favorite bag is doing it on the forearm?
- Are you the proud owner of a Burberry scarf?
- Close the latest button on your blazer?
- Have you ever worn Crocs / harem pants / hooded sharp, or 3 at a time?
- Wayfarer Do you? If yes, specify the date of acquisition, and color.
- Do you intend to introduce counterfeit or prohibited marks on our territory?
- Are you a sales representative for Kooples or Zadig & Voltaire? (We do not want you and your rotten concepts).
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, thank you to contact the Ministry of Style and Manners BEFORE your trip, or to immediately contact your IFA, for interview further.
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