Bah not me. Me, Coreper I actually not much typing. If you want it gives me the impression of a pet ant on the head of a hanged man. You understand that the guy is too busy to catch his tongue which is the trunk to worry about an ant farts above him.
By cons, you'll tell me I'm stuffing, outdated, cheesy, badly topped, whatever you want, you could even say that I choose the easy (and shit'd have nearly right), but I want to talk about the album Casablancas. Shit, a little leniency jsuis during exam periods. Good. I think actually I think his album ... not too bad sometimes. Shit.
Ok Casablancas. Let me think. Yeah that's right. Reminds me of my 16 years, my long hair, my big bangs and big skirts with my flowers. When I'm cruising, I was asked if it was carnival, but not care, I had the Strokes. But yes, you also remember the "Kiss me now That I'm older, I will not try to control you" and all the fuss. Brief. Jme sometimes do booster shots, and I love them, must be recognized. So go hop Casablancas.
Already: shit, the cover is pretty cool. The dog and the gramophone, gramophone Casablancas = = only an intermediary between the music and your ear, baby .. And cheap. The lace boots, guitar-hero, and the signet ring included. Yeah, it's a cool pouch. Finally, I find.
First song: Out of the Blue. Funny, he really looks more alone on this one than others. It's a bit of The Strokes, but alone. 49th second: this is hell! ! Julian is stirring up all the babes! Damn, this guy knows how to please girls. He has a trick to find the melody effective, "ho Hoooo hooo" that makes you want to look up when you listen while walking. So you think it's almost too young, but fuck it then sets out again in verse fast and efficient, ultra-saturated guitar, spoken almost in phrasing. And there you Kiff.
But then resumes gus "How Could You Be so perfect for me, Hoooo Hoooo hooooo" and you answer NO, Julian, No. No need. Note, we warned the Juju. There is no error on the goods, then many PHRAZE for the Young that we sell. The bastard.
So basically, the song I like it, hoo hooo hooo without, in fact I like a sense of guilt rather disturbing. And it's been a little on it throughout the album I must say. Synth, its chorus. Damn its chorus. I can almost hear the screams in the pit, where I am. But shit, the battery on 11th dimension is cool. The first ten seconds of sending heavy. Then hop back to High School.
Basically I find that this album feels Biactol full nose. At the same time, "PHRAZE for the Young" ...
Bah I do not know if jsuis in a period of regression, but strangely, I am ashamed, but sometimes I like. Sometimes.
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