Always on the lookout excluded and subjects dealing with American football, the blog was naturally interested in the website of reference in Europe to recruit foreign players: http://www.europlayers.com/ .
If you quote Blake Barnes, Collin Ashton (Flash), Daniel Libre, Mike Douglas (Templars), Aaron James, Fred Wells, Tori Cooper (Panthers), Taber LaMarr, Almonzo Banks (Spartans), Adam Kruse (Argonauts ) ... All these players have been contacted in some way through Europlayers.
And there little surprise because this site entirely in English (which was the subject of a Article published on sportsillustrated.com late 2009) was created and is managed by a French London. Meet Anthony Bodineau ...
If you quote Blake Barnes, Collin Ashton (Flash), Daniel Libre, Mike Douglas (Templars), Aaron James, Fred Wells, Tori Cooper (Panthers), Taber LaMarr, Almonzo Banks (Spartans), Adam Kruse (Argonauts ) ... All these players have been contacted in some way through Europlayers.
And there little surprise because this site entirely in English (which was the subject of a Article published on sportsillustrated.com late 2009) was created and is managed by a French London. Meet Anthony Bodineau ...
Elitefoot Blog: Why this site? What was the point?
Anthony Bodineau (Europlayers): In 2000, a friend who was a former American football player explained to me that he liked playing in other European countries, but unfortunately it was difficult not only obtain the list of teams (most leagues and teams did not have a website at the time) but also contact them (when teams had a site he was often in their language). It was not clear what type of players looking for teams.
As I was looking for an idea to create a website I thought that a database of online players and teams of American football in English (to facilitate communication) could be useful. From the beginning I wanted to create a site without an intermediary (that is to say without Agents): players and teams register and communicate directly with each other. Europlayers intervene at any time. Then the Over time the site has expanded with new features.
Blog: Can you give us some numbers on your site: when was it created? How did you players in your database? What is the average traffic?
AB: The site was created in 2000 but its design was changed several times. In early 2010, the website has been completely redone for example.
There are currently 13 400 registered (figure updated automatically on the main page of Europlayers. I prefer the transparency) of which 8320 American football players 'assets' (Accounts that are no longer active are deleted regularly) and nearly 800 teams. In January, for example, there were nearly 600 new entries. Of course there is not that players and teams of American football Europlayers: coaches and agents can also register as players and teams in other sports (14 sports in all!).
In January, it reached 2 million page views a web attendance of about 22,000 people. The site is 1.2 GB (this is especially the photos that members place on their profile that takes up space) and the database itself is almost 500 MB
Blog: What is the economic model of the site? Do you manage to make a profit?
AB: I use the model Freemium ( http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemium ): Registration is free, but say intensive use is chargeable. For example, a person who uses the site from time to time will not pay; cons by a player who uses the site beyond a certain limit (based on the number of profiles available, messages sent per day , etc..) must either pay for access beyond that limit, either wait for the next day (use being reset all 24:00).
As I develop the site myself maintenance costs are fairly limited so yes there are benefits but which are 100% reinvested into the site (for example, in 2010, I used a professional designer to redo the look of the site).
Blog: Many foreign imports have been signed by European clubs using the site Europlayers. Have you had feedback from clubs, players from the website? Even strange requests from the players?
AB: The negotiation is done directly between the players and teams is therefore Europlayers not automatically aware of players who are signed by teams cons are encouraged by the teams and players to tell us. At this time also there was a lot of return that we publish in our "News" and "Success Story":
http: / / www.europlayers.com / SuccessStory.aspx
also encouraged members to suggest new features (in fact everything on the site was suggested at one time or another by members).
Regarding the strange requests of players it there is no particular reason except that the European teams have not already contacted: many think they are enough to register on their Europlayers that European teams are fighting between it and recruit them. In reality, there is much competition and so they're being pro-active and contact teams.
In general counsel given to them is to consider the research team as a job search including behaving in a polite and courteous and of course to complete their sheet / profile seriously because it is finally the equivalent of their CV. There is a whole educational work to do about it.
Blog: You've hired the services of Roger Kelly, who worked as Director of Public Relations within the BC Lions (CFL), that brings you there?
AB: The course experience. He knows very well the needs of teams and can provide advice and players. He knows too many players and coaches on Europlayers which facilitates communication.
Blog: What new features coming to the site (smartphone compatibility, editorial content, network of European correspondents, etc..)?
AB: The next feature will be a page to exchange material. Some teams, particularly in some Eastern European countries, can not afford to buy. On the other hand some teams have the equipment second-hand surplus.
It is also considering an iPhone application at the moment but what we seek above all to develop is actually a European network of correspondents to give us more info on the teams of their countries including the results of matches and that transfers of players.
Europlayers already has its own Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Europlayers/115169061857152 .
Each sheet / profile Europlayers has a button "Share" (top right) to share the profile on his Facebook wall.
Blog: You're open to other sports: basketball, baseball, hockey, rugby and Australian ... Does it work as well as American football?
AB: Well, things are progressing. After the U.S. soccer, the sport is the second monitoring Basketball Ice Hockey. I am trying to contact most of European teams in this regard so that they fit. I rely mostly on word of mouth as the U.S. soccer.
Besides, if ever, readers can get in touch with the teams and players from other sports I'm interested. Here is the list of sports (in English): American Football, Ice Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Football (Soccer), Lacrosse, Volleyball, Handball, Water Polo, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Australian Football, Netball and Cricket.
Blog: Amateur College football? NFL? CFL? Championnat de France Elite? Bristish Championship?
AB: Yes. I'm mostly the Elite league in France and the London Blitz BAFACL including (several times Winners BritBowl).
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